SB 227: National Lottery Act 2005 (Amendment) Bill, 2016

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Sen. Dino Melaye

State: KOGI
Party: Peoples Democratic Party

Bill Status: Passed!

  • First Reading: 17/03/2016
  • Second Reading: 1/6/2016
  • Committee Referred To: Committee on Youths and Sports
  • Consolidated with:
  • Date Reported out of Committee:04/10/2016
  • Third Reading:13/10/2016
  • Reconsidered and Passed:

Bill Analysis:


National Lottery Act 2005 (Amendment) Bill, 2016


The objective of the Bill is to amend Sections 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 32, 34, 40, 45 and 57 of the National Lottery Act 2006 for effective operation of lottery in Nigeria.


The Bill has 19 clauses, including the interpretation section.


National Lottery Act 2005  (The Principal Act)

National Lottery Act (Amendment) Bill, 2016  [SB 227]

Section 10 marginal note –

“Act, 2004 No. 2”

Clause 3 replaces the marginal note with “Act, 2014 No. 64”

Section 13 (2) provides for proper record keeping of the accounts annually and for auditing by auditors appointed in accordance with guidelines supplied by the Auditor-General of the Federation

Deletion of Section 13(2) and replacing it with the same words but include the word “independent” in front of the word “auditors”. The last sentence is rephrased and the phrase “from time to time” added

Section 17 provides for granting of license by the President for operating national lottery or any other lottery

Deletion of Section 17 and replacing with a provision, which added “national lottery” in front of license. Including the sentence that the holder of such license shall carry out the type of lottery business on the license across the country (Clause 5)

Section 18 provides that anyone may submit an application for license to operate the business of lottery to the President through the Commission

Section 18 was renumbered as 18(1) and substituting the term “national lottery” with “Pari-mutuel lottery” (Clause 6)


The Clause inserts a new section 18(2) which provides that anyone may submit application for a license for the operation of fixed-odd lottery to the President through the Commission

Section 19(1) provides that the President may grant license to anyone or corporate body if they fulfill stipulated conditions

Clause 8 seeks to amend the Act by inserting “national lottery” before the word “license”. Deleting in sub-section (1) the phrase “national lottery or any lottery” and replacing with “the lottery being applied for”. The same for sub-section 1(b)

Section 20 provides that the license granted shall be valid a minimum for 10 years but not more than 15 years. However the President can extend the validity of the license at least a year before the expiry on the recommendation of the Commission

Clause 9 amends the Act under Section 20 by deleting the sub-section (1) and replace with another sub-section (1) which reads:

“Subject to sub-section (2) of this Section, a license granted under Section 19 of this Act shall be valid for a period of 15years…and such license shall be perpetually renewable upon application by the licensee”

The Clause deleted sub-section (2) and renumbered Section 20(3) to be 20(2)

Section 21 provides that the granted license may be revoked by the President under specified conditions in the Act




Clause 10 amends Section 21 by inserting after the word “license” in paragraph (b) of sub-section (3) the words “on the recommendation of the Commission”

Inserting a new paragraph (c) in sub-section (3) to read, “…the Commission may allow the license to remain in force, subject to any such further conditions as the Commission may deem necessary…”

Section 24(1) provides that the licensee shall establish a fund known as the “prize fund” into which a minimum of 50% of the proceeds of the lottery is paid

Clause 11 seeks to amend Section 24(1) by inserting “A holder of a national lottery license other than a fixed odds game license…” instead of “licensee” and change the percentage to 40%.

Clause 12 amends Section 24(3) by inserting the words “payable from the net” before the word “proceeds” and deleting “ for the first 5 years of the license, 25% in the subsequent 5 years and thereafter 27.5%

Clause 13 introduces a new section to be known as Section 24(A), which provides for the establishment of the “Fixed-odd-Prize-Fund” into which a minimum of 20% of the net proceeds of a fixed-odd lottery shall be paid.

(2) The fund shall be used exclusively for prizes in respect of such fixed-odd lotteries from which the proceeds were realized 

(3) A licensee that operates fixed-odd lottery shall pay to the Trust Fund established under Section 35 of the Act within a period not more than 90days after the determination of result, an amount of 40% of the net proceeds of the lottery.

Section 34 provides for general offences and penalties

Clause 14 amends Section 34 by deleting the words “or on inter-state basis” in subsection (3) and (4)

Section 35 (1) provides for the establishment of the National Lottery Trust Fund

Clause 16 amends Section 35(1) by substituting the word “credited” with the word “paid”

Clause 17 inserts a new section to be called Section 35A immediately after Section 34. This section shall provide for the establishment of the Lottery Companies Incomes tax to be managed by the Federal Board Inland Revenue

Section 45 – marginal note “Act, 2004 No. 2”

Clause 15 replaces the marginal note in Section 45 and replaces same with “Act, 2014 No. 64”

Section 57 is the interpretation section

Clause 19 seeks to add 12 additional terms to the interpretation section


The amendments are: -

  • ‘Auditors’ are qualified as ‘independent auditors’ (Clause 4)
  • Categorizing lottery into pari-mutuel (betting), fixed-odd, and other lottery nature
  • The lottery license would stipulate the specific category of lottery business
  • Fixed-odd Prize Fund is established by a licensee, who shall pay a minimum of 20% of net proceeds of a fixed-odd lottery (Clause 13)
  • Lottery Companies Income tax is established to be administered and managed by the Federal Board Inland Revenue (the Board) (Clause 18) 
  • Decrease the percentage of returns by 10% (from 50% as provided in the Act to 40% as stipulated in the Bill) to be paid into the “prize fund”
  • The proceeds payable into the Trust Fund shall no longer increase from 25% in the first 5years to 27.5% subsequently as stipulated under Section 24(3) of the Act (Clause 11)

The amendment Bill shall make substantive changes to the Act when it is passed into law. However, licensees will experience the effects of these changes more in the area of required payables. For instance, the holder of a fixed-odd license will be expected to divide the proceeds of the returns of fixed-odd lottery – 20% to fixed-odd prize fund and 40% into the Trust Fund established under Section 35 of the Act. An additional 10% of net proceeds for each assignment year as lottery tax is also introduced by the Bill.

Categorizing the lottery into pari-mutuel, fixed-odd and others is also a required development in terms of disaggregating lottery players and carrying out proper audit annually.

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) is the body statutorily empowered to collect taxes, however the Bill assigns this responsibility to the Board. It is not clear if remittances will be made thereafter to the FIRS. As the Acting President withheld assent on this Bill, the National Assembly shall decide on next steps on this Bill.


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